Kids’ Bible Reading Plan – Free Printable

When I gave my oldest daughter her first full children’s Bible and let her loose on reading it independently, I forgot about the R-rated sections of the Old Testament. While much of the Bible is great for kids, I just wasn’t quite ready to explain or address some of the more graphic murder and incest scenes with runny-nosed 1st grader who still occasionally wet the bed.

But I also had trouble finding a children’s devotional that gave her any significant chunks of Scripture for her to read for herself.

Long story short… I didn’t ever quite find what I was looking for. But I did find some great ideas/suggestions on good books of the Bible for kids to start with, and a few warnings on which parts to avoid! So I decided to just put it all together into a 12-month plan.

If this sounds like something that might be useful for your family, check out this free Kids’ Bible Reading Plan printable!