About Me

Becka Asper - Reclaimed Life

Hi there!

I live in Iowa with my four kids, husband, and foster kids. Besides working part-time as a writer and trainer for YoungLives, Young Life’s mentoring ministry for teen moms, I help lead our church’s youth ministry – serving teens from our congregation and our sister Congolese refugee congregation. 

On the side, I am a craigslist, garage sale, and thrift store fanatic who loves to find (and make) creative, cheaper-than-retail solutions for home decor, storage, and whatever else we happen to need.

But I don’t just like renovation projects because I am particularly crafty. I don’t just shop at thrift stores because I like to save money. And I don’t appreciate re-purposed items just for their creativity. Nope.

My deepest joy in renovation – and in serving teenagers, raising a family, and writing for that matter – boils down to the theme of things (and people!) being reclaimed for a new, greater purpose. Redemption. Every renovation reflects a deeper theme – the Story of lives made new, lives rescued, lives transformed. Crafty projects are just a tiny echo of real-life stories of redemption.

You may have caught a theme here, in all the “re’s”. Repurposed. Redeemed. Restored. Reused. Renovated. Rescued. The prefix re- means “again” or “again and again.” Jesus has the power to make all things new – but the work takes time! It’s not easy to live a reclaimed, transformed life – especially in a me-first culture. 

Whether through cultivating hospitality, welcoming foster children, being a peace-maker and a reconciler, or by some other means, I invite you to join me in exploring what it means to live a Reclaimed Life!


P.S. Follow along on Facebook or Instagram to get encouragement for living a Reclaimed Life!


  1. Rebecca, I am much older than you (could probably be your mom), but I think we are kindred spirits! I am a pastor’s wife and love the same things! You stopped by my blog, so you probably found that we are grandparents to eleven–three that came through the foster care system. I am loving your blog, and plan to share it with my daughters… Thanks for stopping by!

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